Monday, January 27, 2020

Estimation of Tranexamic Acid Andethamsylate Using RP-HPLC

Estimation of Tranexamic Acid Andethamsylate Using RP-HPLC Chapter-3 Experimental work 3. EXPERIMENTAL WORK 3.1 MATERIALS AND METHODS Table 2. List of Chemical and standers used S.No Chemicals Manufacturer Name Grade 1 Water Processed in Bright Labs HPLC grade 2 Acetonitrile Fisher scientific HPLC grade 3 Orthophosphoric acid Merck GR grade 4 Tranexamic acid Sun pharma ltd BP 5 Ethamsylate Sun pharma ltd USP 6 KH2PO4 Merck GR grade 7 K2HPO4 Merck GR grade 8 Methanol Merck HPLC grade Table 3. List of instruments used S.No Instrumentname Model Number Soft Ware Manufacturers name 1 HPLC-auto sampler-UV detector ACME9000 Auto crome 3000 Youngline 2 Electronic balance Lab India 3 Sonicator CWUC9L 201402822 Spectrum tek 4 Vacuum Pump 28965405-289717 Vacuubrand 5 0.45 µ filter paper HPLC grade Rankem 3.2. Method development for the simultaneous estimation of Tranexamic acid andethamsylate by using RP-HPLC. Selection of mobile phase Selection of detectionwavelength Selection of column Selection of solvent delivery system Selection of flow rate Selection of column temperature Selection of diluent Selection of test concentration and injection volume 3.2.1. Selection of mobile phase Phosphate Buffer: Methanol (30:70) 3.2.2. Selection of wavelength 10mg Tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate were dissolved in mobile phase. The overlay spectrum was used for selection of wavelength for Tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate The iso-bestic point was taken as detection wavelength 286nm. 3.2.3. Selection of column Heart of HPLC made of 316 grade stainless steel packed with stationary phase. Silica based columns with different cross linking’s in the increasing order of polarity are as follows: à ¯Ã†â€™Ã… ¸- Non-polar-moderately polarPolar-à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   C1886 In reverse phase chromatography, hydrophobic interaction between drug molecule and the alkyl chains on the column packing material. Column is selected based on solubility, polarity chemical differences among analytes and Column selected: i.e. X-Bridge C18 (150 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm), particle size Reasons: Better separation, Good tailing factor. 3.2.4. Selection of solvent delivery system Always preferable solvent delivery system. More chance of getting reproducible result on retention time of analytes. More economic than gradient technique. 3.2.5. Selection of flow rate Acceptable limit: Not more than 2.5 ml/min Flow rate selected was 1.0ml/min Flow rate is selected based on 1. Retention time 2. Column back pressure 3. Peak symmetry. 4. Separation of impurities. Reasons: For earlier elution of analyte and elution of all impurities within 10 min Information from the reference method in literature. 3.2.6. Selection of diluent Selection of diluents is based on the solubility of the analyte Diluent selected: Phosphate Buffer: Methanol (30:70 % v/v) Reason: Analyte is soluble in acetonitrile and water. 3.2.7. Selection of column temperature Preferable temperature is ambient or room temperature. Reasons: To elute all impurities along with analyte with in 10 min of run time. Less retention time Good peak shape Higher theoretical plates. Good resolution. 3.2.8. Selection of test concentration and injection volume Test concentration is finalized after it is proved that API is completely extractable at the selected test concentration. Test concentration is fixed based upon the response of API peak at selected detector wavelength. Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate label claimed 25mg and 50 mg And the test concentration selected is 100ppm Injection volume selected is 20 µL. Reason: good peak area, retention time, peak symmetry Chromatographic trails for simultaneous estimation Tranexamic acid Ethamsylate TRIAL 1 Parameters Method Stationary phase (column) : Kromosil C18 (150 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm) Mobile Phase : 100% of Methanol Ph : 3.0  ± 0.02 Flow rate (ml/min) : 1.0 Run time (minutes) : 8.0 Column hotness ( °C) : Ambient Volume of injection loop (à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l) : 20 Detection wavelength (nm) : 242 Drugs RT (min) : 2.91 4.42 Fig. 4: Trial 1 S.No. Name RT[min] Area[ µV*s] TP TF Resolution 1 Tranexamic Acid 2.9167 491583 7707.5 1.0833 0.0000 2 Ethamsylate 4.4227 1076649 10124.7 1.0124 5.3676 Sum 1568232 Observation: 100% Methanol used for this trial, flow rate was 1ml/min at ambient temperature. Faster elution of the analyte takes place . TRIAL 2 Parameters Method Stationary phase (column) : Inertsil C18 (250 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm) Mobile Phase : 30:70 (Methanol : water) Ph : 3.5  ± 0.02 Flow rate (ml/min) : 1.0 Run time (minutes) : 8.0 Column temperature ( °C) : Ambient Volume of injection loop (à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l) : 20 Detection wavelength (nm) : 228 Drugs RT (min) : 2.81 5.34 Fig. 5: Trial 2 S.No. Name RT[min] Area[ µV*s] TP TF Resolution 1 Tranexamic Acid 2.8167 1272583 4707.5 1.0333 0.0000 2 Ethamsylate 5.3467 1952369 9124.7 1.0524 7.1376 Sum 3224952 Observation: Methanol and water was used in the ratio of 70:30. The flow rate was 1ml/min at ambient temperature.Couldn’t get consistent retention time TRIAL 3 Parameters Method Stationary phase (column) : Inertsil C18 (250 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm) Mobile Phase : 30:70 (Methanol : Phosphate Buffer) Ph : 3.0  ± 0.02 Flow rate (ml/min) : 1.0 Run time (minutes) : 15.0 Column temperature ( °C) : Ambient Volume of injection loop (à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l) : 20 Detection wavelength (nm) : 236 Drugs RT (min) : 2.86 10.48 Fig. 6: Trial 3 S.No. Name RT[min] Area[ µV*s] TP TF Resolution 1 Tranexamic Acid 2.8627 407583 2307.5 1.2833 0.0000 2 Ethamsylate 10.4802 9792049 9901.7 1.3124 10.2646 Sum 10199632 Observation: Methanol and Phosphate Buffer used in the ratio of (30:70 ) Couldn’t get consistent retention time Discussion: The above trials indicating that RT for the drug was not constant and elution time was faster which not prefered for the analysis. TRAIL 4 Optimizing method Parameters Method Stationary phase (column) : X-Bridge C18 (150 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm) Mobile Phase : 30:70 (Phosphate Buffer : Methanol) pH : 3.2  ± 0.02 Flow rate (ml/min) : 1.0 Run time (minutes) : 8.0 Column temperature ( °C) : Ambient Volume of injection loop (à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l) : 20 Detection wavelength (nm) : 286 Drugs RT (min) : 3.01 5.06 Fig. 7: Developed Chromatogram S.No. Name RT[min] Area[ µV*s] TP TF Resolution 1 Tranexamic Acid 3.0167 1574827 3707.5 1.0833 0.0000 2 Ethamsylate 5.0667 2779277 5124.7 1.0124 8.5376 Sum 4354104 Discussion: All the experiments were complete by the higher than developed method and the consequences were acceptable. Optimized chromatographic conditions for simultaneous estimation of Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate Trail 4: (Optimized Chromatographic Conditions) Parameters Method Stationary phase (column) : X-Bridge C18 (150 Ãâ€" 4.6 mm, packed with 5  µm) Mobile Phase : 30:70 (Phosphate Buffer : Methanol) PH : 3.2  ± 0.02 Flow rate : 1.0 Run time (min) : 8.0 Column temperature ( °C) : Ambient Volume of injection loop (à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­l) : 20 Detection wavelength (nm) : 286 Drugs RT (min) : 3.01 5.06 Assay procedure Preparation of 0.2M phosphate buffer: Buffer solution prepares by dissolving 2.72g of Potassium dihydrogen ortho phosphate (KH2PO4) in 1L of water and the degassing of the solution. Diluents Preparation: 1L of diluents was prepared by mixing 300 ml of 0.02 M Phosphate Buffer and 700 ml of Methanol. Preparation of stock solution: Accurately weighed 10 mg of the both Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate is transferred to 10 ml fresh and dry volumetric flask. The amount was making up to the mark among the Methanol and mixed well. This yielded a stock solution with concentration 1000 ppm of Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate mixture. Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. Then compose up the amount up to the mark among the diluents and mix well. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of Tranexamic Acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Procedure 20à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ­Lof the standard and sample was injected into the chromatographic system and areas for the Tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate from the peaks were used for calculating the % assay by using the formulae. Assay calculation AT WS DT P Avg. Wt Assay % = x -x x -x 100 AS DS WT 100 Label Claim Where: AT = Average area counts of sample preparation. AS = Average area counts of standard preparation. WS=Weight of working standard taken in mg. P= Percentage purity of working standard LC = Label Claim of Tranexamic acid , Ethamsylate mg/ml. 3.4 METHOD VALIDATION 3.4.1 ANALYTICAL METHOD VALIDATION Validation parameters Specificity Linearity Range Accuracy Precision System precision Repeatability Intermediate Precision Detection Limit Quantitation Limit Robustness 1. Specificity The system suitability for specificity was carried out to determine whether there are any interference of any impurities in retention time of analytical peak. The study was performed by injecting blank. 2. Linearity The linearity is a systematic method its ability (within a given range) to get assessment results, which are directly relative to the absorption (amount) of analyte in sample. Preparation of standard stock solution: Accurately weighed 10 mg of the both tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate was transferred in to 10 ml fresh and dry volumetric flask. After that the amount was made up to the mark with the Methanol and mix well. This yielded a stock solution amid attention 1000 ppm of tranexamic acid with Ethamsylate mixture. Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock was transferred to 10 ml clean and dry volumetric flask. Then the volume was made up to the mark with the diluent and mixed well. This yielded a standard stock solution with concentrations of 25ppm and 25ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively10 Procedure: Prepared a series of standard solutions not less than five during the particular concentration range along with investigate them like for each method. Acceptance criteria: The correlation coefficient should be not less than 0.9990 3. Range The range of a systematic process is the gap between the superior and lower concentration of analyte in sample for which it has been established to the investigative practice was a suitable level of accuracy, precision and linearity. Acceptance criteria: Linearity, Precision and Recovery should be shown. The logic behind this parameter was – typical concentration range was essential between which the actual concentration should fall when performing real sample analysis.10 4. Accuracy Preparation of standard stock solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transfer to 10 ml fresh and dried volumetric flask. Make up the volume up to mark with the diluents and mix well. The standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Method procedure: Prepared solutions in triplicate at levels 80%, 100% and 120s% of test concentrations using for tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate working Standards as per the test method and injected each solution in triplicate. Sample Are 100 % Recovery = x x 100 Standared Area conc. in % Accuracy normally refers to the difference between the mean of the set of results and the true or correct value for the quantity measured. According to IUPAC accuracy relates to the difference between results (or mean) and the true value. For analytical methods, there are two possible ways of determining the accuracy, absolute method and comparative method. Accuracy is best reported as percentage bias, which is calculated from the expression Procedure: Known amount of drug substance spiked with known amount of standard drug- minimum of three levels (80%, 100% 120% of test concentration), each level was triplicate. Acceptance criteria: Assay recovery should be between 97%-103%.10 5. Precision Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. Subsequently make up the volume up to the mark among the diluent and well mixed. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Method precision: Six individual preparations were prepared using single batch of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate functioning standard as for each test process and injected each one solutions. Injection precision: Solo preparation was prepared using single batch of Tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate effective standard as for each urbanized process in addition to injected six injections10. Acceptance Criteria: 1. RSD should not be more than 2.0% for five replicate injections of standard. 6. Ruggedness Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. Subsequently make up the quantity up to the mark among the diluents and well mix. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Method Procedure: The standard solution was individually prepared as per the test method and injected each solution in six times using different system, analyst, and date. Acceptance Criteria: Overall RSD should not be more than 2.0 %. 7. Limit detection and limit of quantitation LOD: Lowest amount of analyte in a sample that can be detected but not necessarily quanities, under the stated experimental conditions. Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. Then build up the quantity up to the mark with the diluents and mix well. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of Tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Method Procedure: The mobile phase was permissible to run equilibrate with stationary phase up to good baseline was obtained. The different concentration ranging from 0.01 to 0.1ppm of tranexamic acid and 0.01 to 0.1ppm Ethamsylate was injected and peaks were recorded. 0.03 and 0.03ppm for tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate concentrations were detected respectively. LOD can be calculated based on signal-noise ratio,by using following formula LOD = S/N Where, S = Signal Obtained From LOD Solution. N = Average Baseline Noise Obtained from Blank Acceptance criteria for LOD and LOQ RSD Criteria Concentration at which RSD Concentration at which RSD 8. Robustness Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. After that make up the quantity up to the mark with diluent and well mixed. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Method procedure: 1. Flow: The standard solution was prepared and injected for the two times with (+1) flow rate. 2. Mobile Phase: The standard solution was prepared and injected for the two times with (+5) Mobile Phase composition. Appraise of its capability to remain unchanged by minute, but conscious variations in process parameters and provides signal of its reliability during its normal usage. Procedure: samples were analyzed under the following conditions.10 3. Stability studies In the rational design and evaluation of dosage forms for the drugs, the stability of the activity components must be a major criterion in determining their stability. The medicine has to reach the patient in an active and acceptable form maintaining the criteria for acceptable equality. The quality of the product has to be retained as long as the product is offered for sale or for administration to the patient. 10 Acceptance Criteria: Overall RSD should not be more than 2.0 %. 9. System suitability Preparation of standard solution: Accurately amount of 0.25 and 0.25 ml of the tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate stock solution transferred to 10 ml clean and dried volumetric flask. Subsequently make up the amount up to the mark with diluent and well mixed. Finally the standard stock solution with concentrations of 25 ppm and 25 ppm of tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate respectively. Procedure: Standard solution was prepared and injected six times to test the performance of the chromatographic instrument. Acceptance Criteria: 1. RSD should not be more than 2.0% for five replicate injections of standard 2. USP Tailing for tranexamic acid and Ethamsylate peak in not more than 2.0 3. The column efficiency as determined for tranexamic acid and ethamsylate Plate Count should not be more than 2000. Dept.of Pharmaceutical Analysis JNTUA-OTRI, Ananthapuramu Page 1

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Personal & Practical Applications Essay

The purpose of this paper is to afford you the opportunity to express your understanding and appreciation of psychology as it relates to your own experiences and aspirations. In other words, this paper will assess how well you can relate various psychological theories, concepts, and principles to real life – specifically, your own life You are to briefly describe A) the kind of work you are currently doing and/or the kind of work you plan to do in the future, and/or B) any personal/family issues you may currently have and/or plan to have in the future and/or have had in the past (and would care to share), such as your past or present relationship with your parents, present or future relationship with a significant other, present or future child-rearing plans, etc. Then, in some detail, describe how things you have learned in this course have given you the kind of information and insight that will contribute to your happiness and success in life. Make sure you explain which specific theories, concepts, or principles are particularly relevant and precisely how and why they are important. Do not simply copy terms and definitions. Demonstrate true understanding through application rather than recitation. If you have any questions about this assignment or any problems completing in by the due date, make sure to consult with me well in advance of the due date. Your paper must be at least 5 full double-spaced typed pages in  length, and this sheet should be stapled (not clipped) to the top of it prior to submission. Please do not place your paper in a special folder or use a special cover. Thank you. HOW TO DO WELL ON THIS PAPER Submit your paper on the due date. Make sure your paper is at least 5 full double-spaced pages. Do not make your margins more than 1 inch and do not use a font larger than 12. Remember that this is a psychological paper. Do not talk about anything if you are not going to relate it to a specific psychological theory, concept, or principle. Keep in mind that anything and everything you have done, are doing, or plan to do is fair game for this paper. You may focus on work or family, you may focus on the present or the future, or you may spread your discussions across several aspects of your life. That is entirely up to you. But do not fill up pages with long descriptions of your experiences, plans, relationships, etc. Instead, provide specific explanations of how an understanding of those specific psychological theories, concepts, or principles will help you be a better   professional/parent/friend/partner/spouse/student or whatever out there in the real world. For example, do not write something like â€Å"My boyfriend and I are so much in love and we’re going to get married and live happily ever after.† Instead, write something like â€Å"Learning about Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love helped me realize why my past loves didn’t last, and has given me confidence that my current relationship, which contains all three elements, will in fact be as successful as I think it will be.† There is no set number of theories, concepts, or principles you must apply in this paper. However, if you do not identify a least 6 different theories, concepts, or principles in your discussions, that will result in a major loss of points. Also keep in mind that the asterisks in the notes are there to help you study for the exams and are not tied into your papers. Therefore, you should feel free to use any theory, concept, or principle you feel is relevant whether or not it is marked with an asterisk. Attend class and pay at tention. Read the assignment and keep it in mind as we cover all of the material in class. It is strongly suggested that from the beginning of the semester, you make indications on the notes or on a separate piece of paper every time we go over something that you feel will be relevant to this  paper. If you do this, putting together the 5 pages at the end of the semester will be easy. If you wait until the last minute and have not really thought about this paper until then, you may have a great deal of difficulty. As you write your paper, make sure you understand what you’re talking about. Throwing in meaningless garbage and gibberish will not get you any points and is likely to result in your losing several points. If you don’t understand what you need to do, if you’re having trouble writing 5 full pages, if there is a problem submitting the paper on the due date, and/or if you are having any other kind of difficulty, then call me, e-mail me, or see me before or after class well before that due date. There is no excuse for not getting whatever help you need. Psychology has always been an intriguing subject for me. It can be applied in many different aspects of life. It can help understand the world around us more clearly; people we interact with, and can contribute to self-improvement. Even though we might not be always aware of that, we engage in psychological principles and concepts on daily basis. People are social creatures. We live with others and the effect that other people have on the behavior of individuals is tremendous. As a strong example I will refer to Bystander apathy. In theory this psychological concept sounds frightening; when you witness it with your own eyes and experience it, it gets even more disturbing. When a person who faces a situation of another person in distress but does so with the knowledge that others are also present and available to respond is slower and less likely to respond to the person in distress than is a person who knows that he or she is the only one who is aware of the distress. I once found myself in that situation when I was in eleventh grade. We were having a 10 minute break and there was a confrontation between two if my classmates. The two boys began to fight and there was no teacher in the classroom. They were beating and slamming on each other outrageously. Even though everyone knew what was happening was not good, nobody acted, nobody tried to stop the fight or even to call a teacher. Learning about this phenomenon as a psychological concept, I understood how in such setting the responsibility is being diffused among the bystanders and the more people are present during an emergency, the less likely someone is to become involved in the problem. I am at the point in my life that I have to make a major decision about my future as far as my career goes, and I have chosen to follow a path in the field of medicine, more particularly dentistry. Having a goal like that means I have to be extremely motivated, ambitious, and have a drive to succeed. After the publishing of a book titled â€Å"Type A Behavior and Your Heart† in 1974, which was a result of 3 decades of research into the influence of certain personality characteristics, numerous researchers have explored what Mayer Freidman, one of the two medical doctors who published the book, called Type A personality. Type A people are workaholics – they are very competitive, ambitious, hate to waste time, and are easily annoyed. They feel a constant sense of pressure. Often successful but frequently unsatisfied, they always seem to want to go faster and do more. Furthermore, type A person finds it difficult to relax and do nothing. In this sense I refer to myself as a Type A Personality. There is something behind my thoughts that always reminds me I should not spend a single day that’s not worth, or without any purpose, and if I do so, I feel uncomfortable and dissatisfied, almost depressed. I can never imagine myself doing anything different in the future than what I wanted since I was 4 years old, and I have a clear resolution on what I have to do to accomplish my goal, therefore, I strive for it with every move I make. I was surprised to know that there is a â€Å"type† of personality that describes my personal feeling about the individual I am. Having a goal to become a Doctor in a specific area of study from a very young age, and keeping that goal in mind as I greatly succeeded in High School, with the hopes of having good transcripts when I’m applying to Medical Schools years into the future is evidence enough of my personality type. With aspirations of becoming a Dentist, my specialty areas of study are the sciences and mathematics. I have a calculating, and very observational mindset at all times. I am going to discuss several people with whom I have personal relationships. Throughout the span of time I have known the individuals I will discuss, I have basically been collecting data on them through the method of natural observation. I suppose we all are doing so with those closest to us, whether we are conscious of it or not. I have a fourteen month-old Niece named Scarlett. From a Developmental  Psychology standpoint, my relationship with the cutest baby on planet Earth is a goldmine of opportunity to witness a child’s development from birth. Sensory Development is a joy to see grow in my niece. It seems that every day she is doing something new, and displaying that she is becoming more and more aware of her environment, her body, her physical limitations (or lack thereof), and her relationship with other people. As she grew from infancy to her current age, we have meticulously documented her every move. There exists thousands of hours of digital video showing her progress. Since she is the first grandbaby in the family, she gets all the attention, however, my sister is six months pregnant with the next one already! She is in the stage of pregnancy known as the fetal period, until she has him (it’s a boy) by her due date in February. However, by assessing the documentation of Scarlett and the milestones in her life, I have compared her physical development to all the data in the most common books and websites. Scarlett most definitely falls within The Average Range Vs. Normal Range for Developmental Milestones, in fact, she is ahead on most of them, even though it supposedly has no predictive power, we are still proud. Scarlett displays proof of Observational Learning. My sister is also a Nanny for 2 other babies, and she sees her mother feeding, changing, holding, putting kids in high chairs and baby seats, etc. She has a doll that is actually a 2 foot tall representation of Jerry Garcia from the band The Grateful Dead. We could not figure out for the life of us why she kept removing Jerry’s pants, or why Jerry’s pants were removable for that matter. One day the pants came off, and we saw her attempting to put a diaper on Jerry. As soon as we realized what she was doing, and why, we started to enco urage the behavior, and now Jerry always has a clean diaper, his own little baby seat, an old broken high-chair that was around so he can sit at the table, and most importantly, Jerry has his pants on. Scarlett witnesses her mother doing these things every day, and she wants to mimic her. The theory that Piaget suggested; that children start with no way of dealing with the world, no way to think. They have to make it up and develop the skills in their minds about how to get what they want, express what they don’t like, figure out this authority and power thing, and so many other factors that I’m not going to get into because it is a long list. He proposed that children develop in stages. I perceive Scarlett to be in the Sensorimotor Stage,  which starts at birth and spans until about the age of two years, when the Preoperational Stage begins. However, although she is technically in the Sensorimotor Stage, where her senses, motor skills, problem solving skills, and response to authority are all developing, she is starting to display some onset tendencies of Preoperational Stage traits. She is beginning to show ego-centric personality traits, like not sharing, thinking the world revolves around her, screaming when she doesn’t get her way, and other such self-centered thought patterns, which is completely normal for someone her age. Another aspect of watching Scarlett grow is watching her problem-solving abilities. Watching her play certain games, and engaging in activities with her that require her to go from point A to point B by using different strategies has helped her develop earlier than a child normally would. She displays strong strategy use in the form of Algorithm, and Heuristic models. She is now capable of using toys that require going through steps to finish, such as putting all the blocks in the box with the holes shaped like the individual blocks, and putting the different sized colored rings on the holder that stacks them in order from largest at the bottom in descending order up to the smallest at the top. Heuristically, she displays more and more clever ways to achieve the same results. Before, she would dig in the toy box and cry until she found what she wanted, now she’ll just dump the whole thing out, grab what she wants, and put everything else back. Scarlett has a strong will, and will actually perform things that we did not know she was capable of when she thinks nobody can see her, and when we are consciously present, she’ll pretend she can’t do something so someone will do it for her, and other self-centered behaviors. Discussing her Ego-Centric, Self Centered, and Strong-Willed Temperment leads me into yet another set of Psychological Principles that are starting to be used around their house. I’m talking about the development of Scarlett’s character as described under the umbrella of Social-Emotional Development, which includes how she is parented. She has just passed a phase where she had a serious Attachment issue with her Mother. If she was apart from her mother for one second, it was like a capital offense, and the screaming would begin forthwith. Thank God that’s over. My sister and Brother-in Law take an assertive, Authoritative Parenting style. Scarlett is still in her Preconventional Stage of Moral Development, and doesn’t  understand why she can’t do certain things, and from time-to-time, they use different forms of Discipline. Even though Scarlett doesn’t understand why she can’t flush random objects from the house down the toilet, but she does understand things Pavlov’s way, because she responds to Classical Conditioning, having things she likes taken away, in a Negative Punishment fashion, and Positive Reinforcement when she behaves. Operant Conditioning seems to work as well. Skinner proposed that behaviors that are reinforced will continue, and so far it seems to be true when dealing with Scarlett. She understands what you say to her, even though she can’t respond with words. This is known as Receptive Language Development. Scarlett is a doll, and the cutest child alive. Watching her grow is an unprecedented joy. However, as a Doctor I will be confronted with people from all ends of the age-spectrum. Another psychological concept that I want to talk about is the Adulthood; more particularly Late Adulthood, and Theories of Psychological Development in Late Adulthood. Since I have been in a close relationship with my great-grandfather and great-grandmother, and at present I live with them under the same roof, I have witnessed the transformation in their personalities during the years. The final psychological conflict of Erikson’s (1950) theory, ego integrity versus despair, involves coming to terms with one’s life. My grandparents have arrived at a sense of integrity, feel whole, complete, and satisfied with their achievements. They have adapted to inevitable triumphs and disappointments and realize that the paths they followed, abandoned, and never selected were necessary for fashioning a meaningful life course. The capacity to view one’s life in the larger context of all humanity contributes to the serenity and contentment that accompany integrity. â€Å"We will hope for 30 more years of life, and it is in God’s hands how much he will decide to give us,† my great-grandfather says. He has accepted his life course as something that had to be the way it was, and the only thing left to do is simply enjoy the rest of his life by seeing his accomplishment he achieved raising his children and grandchildren and get a charge out of their achievements. He and his wife aged gracefully, felt satisfied with their achievements, and could often be seen walking hand in hand, deeply in love. In addition to the concepts related to the Late Adulthood I have another example concerning the theory of Reminiscence. One of my close friend’s grandfathers was a junior Sergeant in the Balkan war, and he has told stories about people and events from that time since I know him. Every time I try to start a conversation on a different topic, his brain finds a way to relate it to his past as a soldier on the battlefield. Clearly, life review is not essential for adapting well to late adulthood. Reminiscence that is self-focused, engaged in to reduce boredom and revive events in which the person felt important and significant, is linked to adjustment problems. As I have observed everyone close to me in life, had our ups and downs, seen people go through changes, and gone through major changes myself, I now see how just about all of the principles, concepts, and theories of Psychology weaved in and through my life. I know as a Dentist, that I will still be responsible to the Board that will license me to practice, the people that uphold the integrity of the medical profession. If I’m not well-versed enough in all aspects of medicine I know I won’t be able to practice, so that’s one reason this is important. Having an understanding of certain concepts and applying them in my relationships with others has helped me tremendously, and I am grateful.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Combat High Essay

In the essay â€Å"Combat High†, written by Sebastian Junger, shows how war can be both rewarding and exciting, but also how the war can be very costly at the same time. Many people look down upon war, but Junger does a very good job showing both the pros and cons about war. One of the ways Junger describes the war as rewarding is when he says that combat is â€Å"The only game in town.† meaning that this is what soldiers live for. Since war is a life or death situation, the soldiers take it very seriously. This explains why the soldiers were cheering when the man on the hill stopped moving. They weren’t necessarily cheering because the man died, but like Junger said, â€Å"People think we are cheering because we shot someone, but we were cheering because we just stopped someone from killing us.† Just imagine if you had people shooting at you constantly. I’m sure you would be feeling a little relieved knowing that the guy on the hill wont have a cha nce to shoot at you again. Another way, in which Junger displays the war as rewarding, is the relationships the soldiers build with each other. They build such meaningful relationships that Junger explains the relationships as romance, but not all relationships sexual. Junger also describes the war as exciting. Not all people would think war is exciting, but to the soldiers, it is a different story. Like Junger says, â€Å"†¦ war is life multiplied by some number that no one has ever heard of.† Although war may be rewarding and exciting, but it also can be extremely costly. When the soldiers end up going home, they often have mental problems. Junger explains why when he says, â€Å"†¦ they’re normal young men with normal emotional needs that have to be met within the very narrow options available on that hilltop.† After reading â€Å"Combat High†, I had many different thoughts going through my mind about war. I understand where Junger is coming from as he gives examples of how war is exciting and rewarding, but I don’t necessarily think the same way as him. Not saying that he is wrong by any means. An example of this is the part when all the soldiers start cheering when the guy dies. To me that seems wrong. I understand they are cheering because now that guy can’t kill them, but to me that is just morally wrong to cheer after someone has suffered that bad.  Maybe that’s why I wouldn’t be a good fit to be in the army. I don’t think I could ever be the same if I saw some of the things these so ldiers have to see. The soldiers have to be emotionally strong. They build such good relationships with each other that it would be really hard to see someone who is basically family to you just get shot right in front of you. After reading this story, I give anyone who has been in war great deal of sympathy and props for them doing the things they had to encounter. I never really thought about all the hardships soldiers end up going through during war, until reading â€Å"Combat High†.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Is The Fundamental Factor Of Human Life - 1464 Words

This is a frequently asked question; How to make life fabulous with happiness ? Plenty of philosophers and social anthropologists have been seeking to answer it but they still can not suggest an obvious solution because various factors affect happiness and these are interacting with each other, thus, these points are not analyzed easily. However, even though analyzing happiness is complicated, it is studied by many groups in order to propose a measure of happiness for evaluating human life. Humanity is able to live with happiness if the factors are recognized. From the past, wealth is usually regarded as the main key for happiness. Money is the fundamental factor in order to sustain life because most countries practice capitalism. Although governments operate welfare systems such as public insurance and pensions, it is not enough to enrich human life with happiness. This is why a number of people desire to live in rich countries instead of poor countries. Actually, residing in a weal thy country does not guarantee citizens happiness. Nowadays, a new questionable point has risen about associative relations between wealth and happiness; it is about how six factors affect happiness in life. Money, together with social support are two major aspects, followed by four other factors that determine happiness. In this essay, the six causes of happiness are suggested and Cho 2 analyzed, then a conclusion will be drawn. In modern times, the majority of countries is focusing onShow MoreRelatedA Brief Look at Psychoanalysis788 Words   |  3 Pagesto have the discernment, and to be free. All these features are in our conception a way of socialization. Many scientists say that the progress of society has increased the complexity and the risk of social development, and it is obvious that the human personality cannot remain completely independent and that it always finds a sociocultural context or at least influential cause of social madness. 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