Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Zero Inflation Essays - Inflation, Monetary Policy, Free Essays

Zero Inflation Essays - Inflation, Monetary Policy, Free Essays Zero Inflation Introduction Hyper inflation has plagued most of the worlds developing countries over the past decades. Countries in the industrialised world, too, have at times duelled with dangerously high inflation rates in the post WWII era. With varying degrees of success, all have employed great efforts to bring their inflation rates within acceptable limits. Generally, a moderate rate of inflation has been the ultimate goal. More recently, however, a few countries have pursued policies that strive to eradicate inflation altogether through complete price stability. This has proven to be a contentious enterprise, which clearly indicates that there is still no universally accepted solution to the inflation problem. Indeed, there is not even an agreed consensus regarding the source of inflation itself. The monetarist perception that the root of inflation is solely the excessive creation of money remains. So too does the belief that inflation originates in the labour market. And amongst a variety of others, th e opinion that inflation serves the critical social purpose of resolving incompatible demands by different groups is also strong. This last, and more widely accepted, case shows that the problem is hardly a technical one; but rather a political one. It highlights the now unquestionable fact that politics and inflation are inextricably linked. And as with all inherently political issues, consensus is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. But, political characteristics do provide flexibility. In some countries, high rates of inflation have clearly been compatible with rapid economic growth and fast rising standards of living. In such cases, it is quite reasonable to suggest that higher rates of inflation are acceptableperhaps even necessary. In this setting, it is by no means clear that pursing a policy to stop moderate inflation is either required, or in the best interests of the mass of the population at all. While inflation guarantees that some will gain at the expense of others, the redistributions of income and wealth which do take place can, on normal value grounds, be quite desirable. In other circumstances, it may be quite desirable to place strict controls on inflation, or strive to keep it at zero level. Policies aimed at virtual price stability have been in use by central banks in Europe, New Zealand, and Canada over the past few years. Such policies have been particularly focused in Canada. As noted by Pierre Fortin, the only objective the Bank of Canada has pursued since 1989 has been to establish and maintain the inflation rate at zero level, which it sees as a CPI inflation rate that is clearly below two percent (italic added). To the surprise of many, it has been incredibly successful, achieving its objective several years before schedule. Although separated by only a few percentage points, Canadas policy is a sharp contrast to the moderate and balanced approach used in the U.S. Since 1989 the Federal Reserve has been satisfied with achieving an inflation rate of around 3 percent. In setting the interest rate, it has continued to pay explicit attention to real economic growth and employment, with the result that the U.S. unemployment rate is currently in the 5 to 6 percent range. Based on this statistic alone, it can be argued that the more moderate U.S. approach has enjoyed greater success than the deflation oriented policy pursued by the Bank of Canada: Canada continues to be burdened with a higher rate of unemployment. Yet, it continues to believe that the unemployment costs of low inflation are transitory and small . The directors of most European Central Banks also continue to support this dogma. Clearly, the credibility of the classical idea that the Phillips trade off between inflation and unemployment disappear s in the long run is still very high throughout the world. But, in Canada, as in most of Europe, the waiting continues. This is not to suggest that the waiting game has been silent and entirely pleasant. Indeed, the relative lack (or lag!) of success of zero inflation policies and strict price controls has spurred much heated debate. As a case in point, more people are curious why Canada has exclusively focused on inflation cutting and turned a blind eye to the more balanced, and arguably more successful, approach adopted by the U.S.. Is

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Things to Know Before You Get an Arthropod for a Pet

Things to Know Before You Get an Arthropod for a Pet Few people think of bugs when they think of pets, but arthropods make surprisingly good companions to those who arent afraid of their creepy, crawly ways. Many arthropods are easy to keep in captivity, inexpensive (or even free) to obtain and care for, and relatively long-lived. Pet arthropods dont require much space, so theyre good choices for apartment dwellers. Do the Right Thing When Obtaining Arthropod Pets There are some important ethical and even legal issues to consider before obtaining and keeping pet arthropods. If you tire of caring for your pet arthropods, you cant simply let them go outdoors, especially if your pets are exotic species. Even arthropods that are native to North America may not be native to your region or state, and shouldnt be introduced to your local ecosystem. Some scientists even argue that the individuals of a species in one area are genetically distinct from those in another area and that activities like butterfly releases may change the genetic makeup of the local population. So before you get a pet arthropod, you need to commit to keeping it captive. To keep some pet arthropods, you may be required to obtain permits from the state or federal government. A silkworm enthusiast who imported gypsy moth caterpillars for his hobby accidentally introduced the dreaded pest to North America. A non-native arthropod introduced to a new environment can wreak havoc on the ecosystem. To prevent such catastrophes from occurring, the government imposes certain restrictions on the importation and transportation of arthropods that could, should they escape, impact agriculture or the environment. Some popular pet arthropods, like giant African millipedes, require you to secure USDA permits before you can import them into the U.S. Arthropods from one region of the country may be prohibited in states where it isnt native. Do the right thing and check with your local, state, and federal government agencies before you obtain an arthropod pet. If youre planning to purchase an arthropod pet (as opposed to collecting it yourself), find a reputable supplier. Unfortunately, the arthropod trade enables unethical suppliers to profit from collecting animals from the wild, without regard for the environment or conservation of the species. Some species are protected by the CITES treaty (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). You should make sure the supplier you use adheres to CITES regulations and any permit requirements imposed by the country of origin and the country of import. Join online groups for arthropod enthusiasts to learn more about which suppliers they prefer. Call the entomology department of your local university for recommendations to obtain arthropod specimens properly. Its your responsibility to educate yourself about where and how arthropods in the commercial marketplace were obtained. Whenever possible, choose captive bred arthropods over those collected from the wild.  Some arthropods are difficult to breed in captivity, so this isnt always possible. However, some of the most popular arthropod pets, like tarantulas and scorpions, are usually bred in captivity. Always verify the source of arthropods in pet stores, of course. Most pet stores in the U.S. sell captive bred tarantulas and scorpions. Things to Consider When Choosing an Arthropod Pet In addition to ethical and legal considerations, you need to decide whether an arthropod is the right kind of pet for you. After all, they are living organisms with specific needs. If you arent willing to provide your arthropod pet with the appropriate care and living conditions for its species, you should indulge your love of bugs by visiting an arthropod zoo. Before you choose an arthropod to keep as a pet, learn everything you can about its biology, natural history, and life cycle. Make sure its a good fit for you. Most arthropods dont do well when handled frequently, and some can become stressed if you keep taking them out of their cage. Some will even defend themselves from the perceived threat. Millipedes exude defensive chemicals when threatened, which may give the handler rashes, blisters, or other allergic skin reactions. Scorpions do sting, and while common pet species like emperor scorpions have weak venom, its no fun to be stung by your pet. Tarantulas, although they appear to be tough, are actually rather fragile and care must be taken not to let them fall to the ground. Theyre known for flinging tiny hairs from their abdomens when threatened, and one tarantula owner suffered eye damage from his pets frantic attempts to defend itself while the owner was cleaning his cage. Make sure you can feed your arthropod pet appropriately. If you arent comfortable with the idea of feeding live baby mice, crickets, or flies to your arthropod pets, dont choose a predator for a pet. There are plenty of vegetarian arthropods that do well in captivity, like millipedes and bess beetles. Be sure you have a reliable and steady source for whatever food you need for your pet. Do you have a local pet store that sells live crickets for feeding? Can you find enough of the host plant for your phytophagous pet? Dry air is the enemy of many arthropods. The low humidity in our climate-controlled homes can cause invertebrates to desiccate and die. Most arthropod pets need plenty of moisture in their cages or tanks to combat the dry air of your home. Can you keep the substrate sufficiently moist for your pet? Some arthropods require a water dish, while others get their water from their food. Either way, youll need to stay on top of keeping the food fresh and the water supply full. As with any pet, you need to know how long its likely to live. Captive tarantulas can live for over 10 years. Giant millipedes can be a 5-year commitment, and even smaller insects like bess beetles can live two years if cared for appropriately. Are you willing to commit to your arthropods care for that long? What happens when you go on vacation? Arthropod pets need pet sitters, too. While some arthropods can survive a few days on their own, if left with sufficient food and water for the duration of your absence, others require constant care. Before you obtain a new arthropod, make sure you have someone willing to care for it when youre away. The pet sitter who cares for your dog or cat may not be comfortable caring for bugs. Fortunately, arthropods are fairly portable, so you can bring your pet to a friend or colleague if needed. Finally, make sure you have a plan in place for arthropods that reproduce in captivity. If youre adopting a few Madagascar hissing cockroaches, you may be surprised to find tiny cockroaches babies crawling around your cage one day. And those tiny cockroaches are remarkably adept at escaping if you havent provided the right kind of cage or tank to keep them corralled. If you keep darkling beetles, you may find your substrate crawling with mealworms. Again, its important to know the arthropods life cycle. If youre planning to keep an arthropod pet that is likely to reproduce, what will you do with the offspring? Do you know someone else interested in keeping arthropods? Do you have additional cages or tanks ready, if needed?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

1 - Essay Example The paper is made from trees and is responsible for increasing deforestation which is having serious repercussions on the ecology system. The gradual depletion of the natural resources through deforestation became responsible for the slow death of the plants and animals which were interdependent on each other. Lack of trees and plants is also one of the main reasons for barren land because the loose soil tends to blow away the seeds, saplings and essential minerals which are prerequisite for fertile land. The forest with its tall trees also protects the species from natural catastrophes like storms and hurricanes. There are many socio-economical concerns like growing population, housing problems, water and sanitation etc. that might necessitate deforestation but a sustainable development strategy would ensure regeneration and safeguard of natural resources. It is especially true in the contemporary time when the need for sustainable development has become one of the most crucial factors of our life. The use of plastic goods and non biodegradable products has adversely impacted the ecological system. Through the evolving process of entrepreneurial creativeness, people must make efforts to adopt ‘green’ habits and promote goods and services that are intrinsically linked with environment conservation and preservation. The creative ideas have the power to even transform and add value to the ordinary, old household items and make them into fashion accessories of great beauty and value. The goods made from recycled paper, therefore, need to be used in our daily life to promote sustainable promotion activities. The fast changing socio economic dynamics have created a fiercely competitive business environment and organizations tend to adapt to the constantly evolving business environment. The main objective of any

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Two rhetorical analysis paragraphs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Two rhetorical analysis paragraphs - Essay Example For example, she digs with acute intelligence into assisted killing of patients with long history of depression and stress by sympathetic doctors. Her debate targets such sympathetic doctors who in the name of sympathy end lives when all their patients need is proper mental health care and a little compassion. Acton’s take on the highly complicated subject of assisted suicide is quite intriguing because it leaves readers immersed in intricate thought processes. It also urges readers to question their beliefs about assisted suicide. It motivates many readers to change their opinion and assume that assisted suicide is not actually progressive, rather opposing it makes a person progressive in every literal sense of the word. In context of the Aristotelian Appeals, Acton is found using logical appeals to augment her argument. For example, she is seen making a logical appeal when she provides succinct case studies of patients pertaining to idea being promoted. Acton does not fire a rrow in thin air as she has years of professional experience of helping people with problems. On grounds of such concrete experience, she advocates the idea of opposing assisted suicide as it is actually a way of facilitating untimely demise of a patient with a physical or mental health issue. In contrast to Ana Acton who takes a self-proclaimed progressive approach to the highly controversial subject of assisted suicide, George Dvorsky is seen doing exactly the opposite in his equally insightful and informative article. Information provided by the author in this article can also be characterized as logical because evidence is provided to appeal the case. Also, Dvorsky makes use of ethical appeals in his article and benefits from them to a remarkable extent. For example, the audience is reminded of how ethically and morally responsible they can become by defending people’s right to die. Dvorsky’s stance is that opposing assisted suicide is

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Psychosocial theory Essay Example for Free

Psychosocial theory Essay Erik H. Erikson adapted and expanded Freud’s theory of development to include the entire life span, believing that people continue to develop throughout life. He describes eight stages of development. Erikson envisions life as a sequence of levels of achievement. Each stage signals a task that must be achieved. The resolution of the task can be complete, partial, or unsuccessful. Erikson believes that the greater the task achievement, the healthier the personality of the person; failure to achieve a task influences the person’s ability to achieve the next task. These developmental tasks can be viewed as a series of crises, and successful resolution of these crises is supportive to the persons’ ego. Failure to resolve the crises is damaging to the ego. Erikson’s eight stages reflect both positive and negative aspects of the critical life periods. The resolution of the conflicts at each stage enables the person to function effectively in society. Each phase ha sits developmental task, and the individual must find a balance between, for example, trust versus mistrust or integrity versus despair. When using Erikson’s developmental framework, nurses should be aware of indicators of positive and negative resolution of each stage. It is also important to be aware that the environment is highly influential in development, according to Erikson. One can enhance an individual’s development by being aware of the person’s developmental stage and by helping the person develop coping skills relative to stressors experienced at that level. One can strengthen an individual’s positive resolution of a developmental task by providing the individual with appropriate opportunities and encouragement. For example, a 10- year- old child can be encouraged to be creative, to finish schoolwork, and to learn how to accomplish these tasks within the limitations imposed by health. Erikson emphasizes that people must change and adapt their behavior to maintain control over their lives. In his view, no stage in personality development can be bypassed, but people can become fixated at one stage or regress to a previous stage under anxious or stressful conditions. For example, a middle- aged woman who has never satisfactorily accomplished the task of resolving identity versus role confusion might regress to an earlier stage when stressed by an illness with which she cannot cope. Erikson’s eight stages of development include Infancy, central task is trust versus mistrust; Early Childhood, central task is autonomy versus shame and doubt; Late Childhood, central task is initiative versus guilt; School Age, central task is industry versus inferiority; Adolescence, central task is identity versus role confusion; Young Adulthood, central task is intimacy versus isolation; Adulthood, central task is generativity versus stagnation and Maturity, in which the central task is integrity versus despair. The indicators of positive resolution for each stages are; learning to trust others for Infancy; self control without loss of self –esteem, ability to cooperate and to express oneself for Early Childhood; learning the degree to which assertiveness and purpose influence the environment, beginning ability to evaluate one’s own behavior for Late Childhood; beginning to create, develop, and manipulate, developing sense of competence and perseverance for School age; coherent sense of self, plans to actualize one’s abilities for Adolescence; intimate relationship with another person, commitment to work and relationships for Young Adulthood; creativity, productivity, concern for others for Adulthood and; acceptance of worth and uniqueness of one’s own life, acceptance of death for Maturity or in the last stage of life of being an adult.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Keywords—recommender system; fuzzy system; social matchmaking; crisp set; fuzzy set I. INTRODUCTION In the ‘information era’, one of the key problems is to deal with more information than to practice to make practical decisions. User is bombarded with information whether or not he positively looks for it. Recommender systems are designed to help individuals to deal with this information overload problem and enable them to make evaluative decisions [1]. Traditional RS provides items, information and services to the user. These items are like products, movies, CDs, music, news, books etc. Tapestry [17] is the first manual RS and Usenet newsgroup launched by GroupLens is the first automatic collaborative filtering RS [6]. The most popular existing recommender systems are Amazon.com for e-shopping [7], MovieLens recommending movies, news by Googlenews, music at Pandora, EntreeC giving restaurants [11], CDs at CDNow [18] etc. In many past years, for building recommender systems various approaches have been developed that utilize non-personalized, demographic, content based , collaborative filtering, knowledge based and hybrid [11]. Evolved research areas like social matchmaking RS enable people to people matchmaking [2] like matrimony system recommends bride to groom and vice-versa. Using such systems, users can meet the other individuals of complementary needs like getting jobs (employee-employer), college admissions, mentor-mentees, student helper, addressing community issues, solve technical problems and counseling [3]. In social matchmaking systems, successful reciprocal recommendation occurs where two users find each other based on their complementary needs. For example, a bride finds the ideal groom, and the same groom li... ...= â€Å"Very Low† (0.2) The sample of recommendations for the active lady is shown in TABLE IV. The snapshot of the result for same expectations is given in Fig. 2. The system is not providing the partners who having â€Å"Low† value for crisp sets (religion, caste, occupation, diet, smoke, and drink). The experiments are observed for ten users and precision, recall, F1-measure is calculated. For getting these values, recommended results are used. The average of precision, recall and F-score are 79.45%, 85.65%, 82.43% respectively. V. CONCLUSIONS This paper focuses on Partial Fuzzy Recommender System used for matrimony in the context of the Indian society. This system addresses the abundance of information and directs users to precise data requirements in terms of matches, eliminating irrelevant information. Recommendations can be further improved for reciprocity.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Based on the thematic content of each of their respective works, what do you think Muriel Rukeyser, Adrienne Rich and Ursula Le Guin would have to say to one another about the social construction of Gender?

Muriel Rukeyser’s â€Å"The Birth of Venus† (Gubar and Gilbert, 1996, p. 1695) and Adrienne Rich’s â€Å"Diving into the Wreck† (p. 1960) are both poems which use mythical images relating to the sea, while Ursula Le Guin’s â€Å"She Unnames Them† (p. 1943) is a short story which uses mythical images relating to the earth.This paper examines how the three authors share a common thread in their intention to depict patriarchal constructions of gender but use different aspects of an imagined physical environment to show three non-patriarchal responses to this sexist culture.The title of the Rukeyser poem is borrowed from the title of a famous painting â€Å"Birth of Venus† by Botticelli, which shows the near-naked goddess standing on a shell and being transported by the waves on to the shore. This picture in turn is based on ancient Greek mythology and Rukeyser stresses the journey that the goddess has made from being created in a tempestu ous and bloody sexual act by the â€Å"father-god†, by which she means Zeus, to being re-created in a â€Å"lovely surf† by the male artist â€Å"as he saw her† by which she means Botticelli.Rukeyser sees the goddess as moving from one patriarchal extreme (the accursed and terrible goddess of love) to another (the rose and saving image) of human love. The poem shows a changed awareness of feminine power over human history, but it stops short of making comments on what could or should be done with this knowledge. Adrienne Rich also depicts a journey, but this one goes from the surface deep down into the sea. The main figure in the poem takes slow and difficult steps into an alien world where he and she and you and I are no longer relevant distinctions.The undersea world is a gender free zone, and it rejects not only the patriarchal technology that operates by power and force, but also the very distinction between categorizations of male and female. It is likely t hat Rich would be appreciative of Rukeyser’s insights, but much more insistent on doing something about them and moving on to find ways of freeing human beings from restrictive gender roles which are nothing more than mythical or artistic creations.Ursula Le Guin’s story takes the archetypal myth of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and explores an alternative ending where Eve rejects and undermines the patriarchal world order set first by God and then by Adam. The story focuses on the art of naming as the key to control over the beasts, just as Rukeyser identifies the act of storytelling or painting as a way of controlling women.Le Guin’s this story undermines the whole notion of hierarchy and classification. It is more radical even than Rich’s world view, because it transcends all notions of the individual as a gendered or even as a human being. Le Guin renames trees as â€Å"darkbranched tall dancers† and the moon as â€Å"winter shining† which stresses what the entities do, and how they appear at that specific moment, rather than what some patriarchal authority defines them to be for all time.In conclusion, then, it is clear that all three authors share some common starting points in revisiting the patriarchal view of gender, where men are superior and women inferior, but they would probably have many points of disagreement and discussion about how to respond to this, whether by just describing it, insisting on the fluid nature of gender identity or imagining a whole new egalitarian world where individuals escape all categorization, taking nothing for granted and approaching every element in the world as something new.Works Cited. Gubar, S. and Gilbert, S. M. (eds) (1996) The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women: The Traditions in English. New York: W. W. Norton and Co.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Can and Should Culture Be Managed Essay

Organizational culture is defined as collective behavior that consists of artifacts, exposed values and basic assumptions (Schein 1997). From this definition, three levels of organizational culture are derived. The first level is artifacts or tangible elements to the organization which comprises of the architecture, technology, products, furniture, style, dress code and language. It is recognizable when visibly observed but does not reflect the organizational culture. The second level is in the exposed values or beliefs that employees express in organization which includes the mission statement, customer service and loyalty. This behavior can be studied by using surveys and discussion to gather attitudes of the organizations’ members. The third level is the basic assumption which is the most important level as it shapes the organization’s view and decision making. The norms or the unspoken rule exists without the awareness of the members which cannot be observed or surveyed and therefore it is difficult to draw out this characteristic By understanding the definition of culture, there are two sides of the argument on whether the culture can be managed (mainstream perspective) and whether culture is something that an organization is that cannot be managed (critical alternative). (Brewis, J ch. 9). In the mainstream perspective it shows that the management is able to change its culture, which often referred to as cultural engineering (Jackson and Carter, 2000, p. 27-28) and a clear example is shown in the case study of British Airways, 1982-1996 (Brewis, J ch. 9 p349). The merged between British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) and British European Airways (BEA) caused a clash of culture and internal conflicts. The BOAC offers services for higher class passengers whereas BEA is for lower class passengers i. e. Tradesmen. Due to the clash of different classes of services, there is an internal conflict in the management culture which resulted disastrously and sales are declined.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Early Roman Architecture essays

Early Roman Architecture essays The Romans gained much of their engineering skill from the Etruscans and drew on Etruscan and Asian models for the semicircular arch. From them, the Romans learned the use of the keystone arch, which enabled them to build extremely strong and durable structures. Many of these engineering and architectural projects are still standing. Some are still in use after two thousand years like this bridge in Spain. Early Roman architects were influenced by Greek post-and-lintel construction. But the Greek design was limited in its capabilities to span large distances and being able to bear heavy loads while not falling down of its own weight. Post and lintel construction comprises a flat piece of stone bridging a space between two upright supports. Post and lintel supports have a flaw. When a heavy weight is placed on the middle of the span too much stress may be put on the stone and it can break in the middle. The Romans solved this problem by using a type of construction called voussoir arch with keystone. The engineering principle of the arch is quite simple. The circle is the strongest structural shape. The arch is just half of this perfect form. To create a voussoir arch, tapered stone blocks were cut then arranged like the diagram at the right. It was then stood up on its ends. The ends rested on piers made of stone blocks or bricks mortared together with pozzolana cement in the typical Roman arch bridge. The cement was named after a local mountain that the ingredients of the cement came from. The weight of the stone and concrete of the bridge itself compressed the tapered stones together, making the arch an extremely strong structure. During construction, the voussoir's were supported by a temporary wooden frame until the keystone was inserted. The Roman invention of the arch allowed architects to build larger structures than ever before. The extension of the arch idea lead t ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia †His Life and Death

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia – His Life and Death Although the confrontational style of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Gregory Nino Scalia  was widely regarded as being one of his less appealing qualities, it underscored his clear sense of right and wrong. Motivated by a strong moral compass, Scalia opposed judicial activism in all forms, favoring instead judicial restraint and a constructivist approach to the interpretation of the Constitution. Scalia stated on numerous occasions that the power of the Supreme Court is only as effective as the laws created by Congress. Scalias Early Life and Formative Years Scalia was born March 11, 1936, in Trenton, New Jersey. He was the only son of Eugene and Catherine Scalia. As a second generation American, he grew up with a strong Italian home  life and was raised Roman Catholic.   The family moved to Queens when Scalia was a child. He graduated first in his class from St. Francis Xavier, a military prep school in Manhattan. He also graduated first in his class from Georgetown University with a degree in history. He earned his law degree from Harvard Law School, where he also graduated at the top of his class. His Early Career Scalias first job out of Harvard was working in commercial law for the international firm of Jones Day. He remained there from 1961 until 1967. The lure of academia drew him to become a law professor at the University of Virginia from 1967 to 1971. He was appointed general counsel  of the Office of Telecommunications under the Nixon administration in 1971, then he spent two years as chairman of the U.S. Administration Conference. Scalia joined the Ford administration in 1974, where he worked as Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel. Academia Scalia left government service upon the election of Jimmy Carter. He returned to academia in 1977 and occupied a number of academic positions until 1982, including resident scholar for the conservative American Enterprise Institute and law professor at Georgetown University Law Center, the University of Chicago School of Law, and Stanford University. He also briefly served as chairman of the American Bar Associations section on administrative law and the Conference of Section Chairs. Scalias philosophy of judicial restraint began to gather momentum when Ronald Reagan appointed him to the U.S. Court of Appeals in 1982.   Supreme Court Nomination When Chief Justice Warren Burger retired in 1986, President Reagan appointed Justice William Rehnquist to the top spot. Rehnquists appointment drew all the attention from Congress and the media, and even the Court. Many were pleased, but Democrats strongly opposed his appointment. Scalia was tapped by Reagan to fill the vacancy and he slipped through the confirmation process virtually unnoticed, floating by with a 98-0 vote. Senators Barry Goldwater and Jack Garn didnt cast votes. The vote was surprising because Scalia was far more conservative than any other Justice on the High Court at the time. Originalism Scalia was one of the most well-known Justices and was famous for his combative personality and his judicial philosophy of originalism – the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted in terms of what it meant to its original authors. He told CBS in 2008 that his interpretive philosophy is about determining what the words of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights meant to those who ratified them. Scalia maintained  that he was not a strict constructionist, however. I do not think the Constitution or any text should be interpreted either strictly or sloppily; it should be interpreted reasonably. Controversies Scalias sons, Eugene and John, worked for the firms that represented George W. Bush in the landmark case, Bush v. Gore, which determined the outcome of the 2000 presidential election. Scalia drew fire from liberals for refusing to recuse himself from the case. He was also asked but declined to recuse himself from the case of Hamden v. Rumsfeld  in 2006 because he had offered an opinion on an issue related to the case while it was still pending. Scalia had remarked that Guantanamo detainees dont have the right to be tried in federal courts.   Personal Life vs. Public Life After graduating from Georgetown University, Scalia spent a year in Europe as a student at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. He met Maureen McCarthy, a Radcliffe English student, at Cambridge. In 1960, they married in 1960 and had nine children. Scalia was fiercely protective of his familys privacy throughout his term on the High Court, but he began granting interviews in 2007 after years of refusing to do so. His sudden willingness to engage the media was due primarily to the fact that his children had all become full-grown adults. His Death   Scalia died on February 13, 2016, at a ranch resort in western Texas. He failed to appear for breakfast one morning and an employee of the ranch went to his room to check on him. Scalia was found in bed, deceased. He was known to have heart trouble, to suffer from diabetes, and he was overweight. His death was declared due to natural causes. But even this event was not without controversy when rumors began swirling that he had been murdered, particularly because an autopsy was never performed. This was at his familys behest, however  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ it had nothing to do with political intrigue.   His death incited an uproar as to which  president would have the right to appoint a replacement for him. President Obama was nearing the end of his second term in office. He nominated Judge Merrick Garland, but Senate Republicans blocked Garlands appointment. It ultimately fell to President Trump to replace Scalia. He nominated Neil Gorsuch very soon after taking office and his appointment was confirmed by the Senate on April 7, 2017, although Democrats attempted a filibuster to block it.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Youth justice in 2011 is tougher on crime than on the causes of crime Essay

Youth justice in 2011 is tougher on crime than on the causes of crime - Essay Example Youth justice provides justice to juvenile offenders who are legally not old enough or under 18 years of age. The main purpose of Youth justice or juvenile justice is to provide rehabilitation services to the youngsters rather punishing them. The basic aim of providing rehabilitation services to the youngsters is to prohibit them from future crimes and to lower down their criminal activities. Positive assistance is provided them to them by the involvement of their parents, social workers and probation officers in order to bring the positive changes in the behaviors of the young offenders and to prevent them from any other criminal activities in future. Youth justice in 2011 is tougher on crime than on the causes of crime: an analysis As discussed earlier, juvenile criminal activities are becoming the matter of growing concern for all the legal bodies around the world. Governments are taking special care and interest to minimize the causes of crime and to inhibit the criminal behavior in the youngsters. Recent riots in England have clearly showed the mental stability and the growing aggressive behavior in the young generation of England. ... ifferent criminologists, criminal activities involve all the public wrong doings committed by the teenagers falling into the age bracket of 12 to 20 years. There are several factors that sociologists believe are responsible for shaping such delinquent behavior in younger generation such as influence of the society, peer pressure and violation of different societal and moral norms. Some children are observed growing with antisocial behavior which may be the root cause of all the criminal activities. It has been observed that juvenile delinquent behavior is most common in age groups of 14 years while it is least in age groups of 17 years (Gilmore, 1990). Factors Contributing in Juvenile Delinquent Behavior: Our society emphasizes on punishing the offender for his crime rather than the cause that made him commit that crime and unless the root cause of the crime is eliminated; this problem will never be solved. Few of the most important factors that contribute in provoking and creating t he criminal mindset are: 1- Economic and Social Factors: Criminal behavior is the outcome of pessimistic consequences of social and economical development. Economic and political instability and weak state institutions are responsible for giving rise to criminal behavior. Among other factors; high unemployment rates and low incomes are also included. Such circumstances may provoke the involvement of young people in criminal activities. 2- Cultural Factors: Criminal behavior may also be the outcome of extraordinary efforts to fit in the society one is living in and to meet that standard one can be willing to go at any limits at that point in time one may fail to distinguish between the right and the wrong. Just to meet the status quo, one may be willing to commit any crime to any limit. It

Friday, November 1, 2019

Individual Report and Reflection Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Individual Report and Reflection - Coursework Example The reflection portion would proffer personal opinion about the experience gained from the small business endeavour and how one would benefit from it in the future. One’s group which is composed of five members decided to choose Salah Adden mosque and sell tradition product from Saudi Arabia which is (subha). The purpose of the small business is to earn moray for donation to a chosen charity and enable making some reforms in the Salah Adden mosque. The report would be structured by initially discussing the planning phase where the profile of the charity event was organized and decided on. Intricate details were eventually noted to incorporate pre-event marketing information like the 4Is applied in the project; operational details; clearly defined objectives and group goals; market research; and the relationship to various stakeholders. The outcome of the event would also be revealed in terms of the financial performance and the lessons learned from the experience. Profile of t he Charity and the Community Involved The chosen charity as beneficiary for the proceeds of the subha sales is the Salah Adden mosque located in central London. ... served by friends included praying five times a day on the mosque and would therefore enable the group to facilitate contact and correspondences with authorized mosque personnel to implement the charity and donation and monitor the changes on the proposed improvements, as indicated. In this regard, the objectives and goals of the group and of the event are as follows: Group Objectives: To organize and implement a fundraising event through buying and selling of Muslim prayer beads (subha) and donate the proceeds from the sales to the Salah Adden mosque. The proceeds are proposed to be spent on carpets and adding more shelves on the mosque’s furniture and fixtures. How the Activity/Event Evolved, Planned and Promoted How the Fundraising Idea Evolved: The group has initially agreed on selling a particular product to raise funds for donation to the Salah Adden mosque. Each member in the group gave an idea about proposed products to sell. One member suggested selling some cake and drink; while another member said it would be better to sell stationary to address the students’ needs. Finally, from the suggested product list, the group decided to sell Subha, prayer beads for Muslim people for the reason that it is unique and the target customers would be interested in it. The proposed target market is the Muslim students of the University. The Planning Phase: The planning phase included the development of the business plan (Annex A) and a market research. The market research required application of the 4Ps theory where details of the product, price, place and promotions would be closely evaluated, strategies designed and explicitly stated for clarity of direction in implementation (Carter and Jones-Evans, 2006; Nwankwo and Gbadamosi, 2011). The brief market research